Twitter accounts for Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood were ‘search banned’ today

As accusations and lawsuits surrounding massive voter fraud in the 2020 elections continue to mount, many Trump-supporting observers have expressed concern over the lack of information available about one of the biggest scandals known so far. But according to the man President Trump placed in charge of his legal efforts to bring about a lawful conclusion to the election, some of the wait may be over soon.

Rudy Giuliani, the long-time confidant and personal attorney for President Trump, appeared to tease some of the information they have in hand on the Fox Business show with host Maria Bartaromo Sunday morning. 

Unfortunately, you may not be getting the information if you receive your news from Twitter. Reports are coming in that the social media giant is suppressing and even censoring accounts and websites that bring attention to Dominion Voting Systems. Attorney Lin Wood‘s popular Twitter account was recently “search banned” on Twitter. As of yesterday, a search for a Tweet he posted about Dominion displayed his Tweet. Today, it’s not being found despite the Tweet still being live.

According to, a service that checks for restrictions on Twitter accounts, Wood’s profile was hit.

Read the full article here.

Rudy Giuliani by Ennoti is licensed under Flickr Public Domain Mark 1.0