Lawmakers grill Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter's Jack Dorsey in post-election hearing

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  • Source: ABC News
  • 11/18/2020

The chief executives of Facebook and Twitter faced lawmakers Tuesday for a wide-range grilling on their platforms' handling of misinformation and more during the 2020 election.

The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing comes after Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Jack Dorsey of Twitter have taken notably more aggressive steps than in 2016. Zuckerberg and Dorsey came out swinging on the defense, highlighting these changes to their sites.

Republican lawmakers largely took aim at the tech giants for allegations of "censorship" over their handling of a disputed news report and for labeling disputed claims -- including the labeling of a number of President Donald Trump's posts. Democrats, for the most part, argued that Facebook and Twitter's steps to combat hate speech, among other issues, still do not go far enough.

Dorsey said in opening remarks that after hearing users wanted more context, they applied labels with additional context to over 300,000 tweets from Oct. 27 to Nov. 11, "which represented about 2.2% of all U.S. election-related tweets."

Read the full article here.

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